Over half of Londoners believe kitchen smart tech would improve the process of cooking Christmas Dinner

With the Christmas countdown on, a new survey by Samsung has revealed that a staggering 47% of Brits stress over the Christmas dinner, with over a quarter (27%) finding the cooking process the most challenging part of the festivities. 

And the Christmas dinner dilemma is taking its toll, with a third of Brits (33%) admitting to feeling like they miss out on precious time with loved ones due to the stress of cooking.

The findings also include:

A further picture on the Christmas dinner dilemma:

  • Over a fifth (22%) of Brits spend 3-4 hours prepping the Christmas feast
  • Most common dinner dilemmas are not having enough space in the oven (37%), timing issues (37%), and cooking multiple dishes at once (34%).

Regional struggles: Northern Ireland Tops the List of Turkey Overcooking, and the Northeast Battles Gravy:

  • Northern Ireland tops the list of most likely to overcook the turkey (26%). Alongside this, almost a fifth (18%) of the Northeast struggle to nail gravy – too thick or too thin, they can’t win.

But there’s a solution: 

  • Nearly a third (30%) of the nation, rising to over half of Londoners, believe that smart technology in the kitchen would improve the process of cooking Christmas Dinner

With less than a week away from the big day, Samsung is here to help hosts have their most chilled Christmas dinner yet, courtesy of the Series 7 Bespoke AI Oven. From features that enable you to remotely check on the turkey via your smartphone or TV (see attached!), alert you when dishes are burning and allow you to cook dishes simultaneously at varying temperatures, this supercharged kitchen ‘assistant’ takes the stress out of cooking Christmas dinner – leaving more time for hosts to enjoy the festive fun. 

Tanya Weller, marketing director of Home Appliances at Samsung Electronics UK & Ireland, is available for exclusive interviews on how smart technology can bring more calm to Christmas Dinner prep, as well as the wider role technology is playing in our everyday lives, starting in the kitchen.

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