London Influencer Event Captures Extent of Child Hunger Issue

  • Influencers were invited to a unique pop-up dining experience in London, only to be surprised what they were server
  • The experience was hosted by World Vision UK to launch their ENOUGH campaign, which aims to end child hunger and malnutrition
  • A recent global survey carried out by lpsos for World Vision UK revealed that 30% of people don’t know where their next meal is coming from

A mysterious pop-up restaurant gave influencers food for thought when their dining experience took an emotional turn.

The exclusive event was live for just two days and was attended by TikTok influencers, YouTubers, TV personalities and Instagram favourites. Whilst half of the guest list were treated to fine dining, the other half left just as hungry as when they arrived.

The experience was in fact an ‘alternative’ dining experience organised by child-focused NGO World Vision UK to launch their campaign to end child hunger and malnutrition, ENOUGH. The global campaign aims to highlight that there is enough food in the world to feed everyone, but far too many people, including many children, are still going without.

Guest dined in pairs and were given strict instructions not to share their food. This meant that whilst one guest was served elegant contemporary servings their ‘plus one’ was served crumbs of stale bread, miniature food portions, and watched their main go up in smoke.

To round off the experience, the mysterious chef produced a clear message of meaning at the end of the meal, explaining that the experience had been unfair for a reason – to show how unequal access to food is experienced by many people, including children, in the world. After their dining experience, the influencers were served a message of reality: ‘if this felt unfair, that’s because it was. There is enough food on the planet to nourish even person and every child and yet some still cannot access it. Please join us saying Enough is Enough.’

The message provoked reactions of shock and some guests were moved to tears. Others took inspiration from the event, vowing to do more to help and make a difference.

Love Island star Lochan Nowacki attended the event and said: “It was a definitely a different experience. We didn’t know what to expect, but the ambiance and eeriness of it took me of the guard.

“This event clearly showcased the disparity between poverty and people experiencing starvation and those who aren’t. It was hard for me being given all of this food and having so much excess, and not being allowed to share. It showcased really well the point, that too many kids are struggling in the world because they don’t have enough to eat when there is plenty to go around. It was a unique experience that I definitely won’t forget. It has been an eye opener, especially when I heard the statistics. This is a serious issue and there is a lot we can all do to help.” said Lochan.

Wolrd Vision UK is calling on the public to join them in saying there is ENOUGH food in the world to feed everyone.

Fola Kmolafe, CEO World Vision UK said: “The world produces around 8 nillion tonnes of food per year. There is enough food to nourish every girl, boy, woman, and man on the planet, yet for the first time in decades the number of children at risk of death from malnutrition is rapidly increasing.”

“No child should be going hungry when there are enough resources in the world to feed them. It is a crisis that could be averted with enough public and political will. It is time for us to come together and say ‘enough is enough’. We can, and we must do more to end child hunger now.’

See the video of World Vision’s pop-up restaurant, Assez:

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