Healthy diets around the world

In many countries, people enjoy traditional cuisine that’s influenced by their culture and location in the world. People living there focus on eating certain foods more often than others, which can lead to better health than the typical Western diet.

In the Autumn 2023 issue of The Menopause Exchange newsletter, Gaynor Bussell, freelance nutritionist and writer, discusses popular traditional diets from around the world, including Nordic, Mediterranean, French and Japanese diets, and how these impact on people’s health and life expectancy.

“The traditional Western diet is typically high in processed foods and tends to be rich in saturated fat, sugar and salt,” says Norma Goldman, founder and director of The Menopause Exchange. “In other countries, the traditional diets contain a healthier balance of nutrients, with more protein-rich, low-fat and plant-based ingredients.”

Other articles in the Autumn 2023 issue of The Menopause Exchange quarterly newsletter include HRT risks, Complementary medicines and therapies for the menopause, and Headaches and migraine at the menopause, as well as news, Ask the Experts Q&As and information about Norma Goldman’s webinars, talks and workshops.

The Menopause Exchange, which was established in 1999, is unbiased and independent and isn’t sponsored by any companies or organisations. Our free quarterly newsletter contains articles written by top UK medical experts, including menopause consultants, GPs, specialist menopause nurses, pharmacists, dietitians and complementary practitioners. We also include news, book reviews and our ‘Ask the experts’ page. Each issue of The Menopause Exchange’s free quarterly newsletter is emailed to over 13,000 people, including women, men, healthcare professionals, complementary therapists, workplace managers and journalists.

Menopause webinars: Your readers may be interested in organising a webinar for their family and friends or workplace. For over 24 years, Norma Goldman has been presenting menopause talks and workshops. Her in-depth knowledge has helped thousands of women enjoy a more comfortable menopause. She’s now hosting her own regular webinars via Zoom. Norma’s ‘Understanding the menopause’ webinar is suitable for women at or approaching the menopause, women who have had premature ovarian insufficiency (menopause before age 40) or a hysterectomy, or anyone with an interest in women’s midlife health. Post-menopausal women can attend presentations too. If women join the webinar, they’ll be able to ask questions, receive a factsheet and hear about other women’s experiences. To attend a webinar, arrange one for a group of friends or to find out more information, women should e-mail [email protected] or call 020 8420 7245.

To join The Menopause Exchange, anyone can sign up for free on our website, You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter/X:@MenopauseExch.

Featured Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash.

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