New research released by LNER names the foods we think will have disappeared from our plates within 100 years – including chocolate, avocados and seafood
- More than 1 in 7 anticipate that our meals will all be plant-based by 2123, with many citing environmental impact of eating animal products
- Bug burgers, cricket cakes and mealworm macarons may well become menu mainstays – according to future eating predictions. Over a quarter said they would be open to eating a bug-based dish, with 52% believing food will become more daring and imaginative in 100 years
- 59% of Brits claim they couldn’t imagine their lives without chocolate, but according to Food Futurologist Robin Fegen the much-loved treat could very well be extinct by 2123
- A third of the nation predict that by 2123, there will be no such thing as an ‘unhealthy food’, thanks to genetic modification and food substitutes with AI also playing a future role
- LNER is launching a restaurant where guests can dine in the past, present and the future – to celebrate its 100th year anniversary. Diners will enjoy a dessert from the future ‘Mushroom Panna Cotta’ – infused with ingredients such as algae-based spirulina, mushrooms and ancient grain amaranth – all predicted to be key staples in our diets in 100 years
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of London North Eastern Railway (LNER), and the evolution of its iconic onboard menu over the years, research has been commissioned into the future of food, looking at how we may be dining 100 years from now.
Food Futurologist Robin Fegen said: “Sustainability, ethics, and nutrition are becoming increasingly important when it comes to food. High in protein, spirulina and other types of algae are healthy and easy to produce, but currently have an acquired taste – which is why they aren’t as popular right now. However, genetic modification could mean we can make these ingredients taste just as good as the likes of chocolate, allowing us to indulge in a tasty dessert, while also reaping the health benefits.”
“During the next century, we predict that society will be incredibly conscious about its carbon footprint. As well as being difficult to source, cocoa trees need very specific conditions in order to survive, so rather than exporting ingredients like cocoa beans, we’ll be turning to foods we can produce closer to home to limit our carbon footprint as much as possible. Thanks to climate change, we’re already seeing a dramatic reduction in cocoa trees, so it is very possible that chocolate will naturally filter out of our diet – gradually substituted by easily produced, more sustainable alternatives.”
Many Brits are open to reducing the amount of animal products they consume with 38% saying they would consider becoming vegetarian or vegan with other statistical findings including:
- 1 in 5 Brits expect avocados to have disappeared from our diets in entirety by 2123 – citing climate change as the challenge and adverse weather conditions making ingredients harder to grow – along with seafood (36%) and chicken nuggets (32%).
- 1 in 10 predict that chocolate will cease to exist with a further 1 in 5 (20%) thinking chocolate would be too expensive.
- Local produce is of true value – with 20% thinking we may shun large supermarkets in favour of farm shops and growing our own food, and not consume produce that had been imported from far-flung destinations, racking up the food miles and carbon footprint.
- 52% say that in 100 years vegan food will continue to be tastier, healthier, and more affordable, making it the more desirable option.
Highlighting the growing appetite for a healthier, more organic lifestyle, more than a third (33%) predict that by 2123, there will be no such thing as an ‘unhealthy food’, thanks to genetic modification and food substitutes, while 36 per cent believe artificial intelligence will play a large role in the food we consume, tailoring our meal plans to meet our individual dietary needs.
Food futurologist Robin says, they’re not far off the mark as “By 2123, we may even have microchips in our bodies that monitors our blood, informing us when we need more or less of particular nutrients in our system, and how much we actually require, making sure we don’t undereat or overeat.”
Top five food trends of 2123
1. Sustainability: “By 2123, food sustainability will likely be more than just fashionable, but a way of life. This means people growing their own foods and more city farms, with people determined to know where their food has come from, and how far it’s travelled.”
2. Personalisation: “In the future, we will be looking at multiple elements of personalisation, tailoring each meal to the individual’s health, based on their genetics and gut bacteria for example and enjoyment by linking with technology implemented within our bodies. With edible 3D printing, diners will be able to choose the taste, shape, colour and even texture of their food, as well as the nutritional value.
3. AI: “There will be no more stressing over what to eat tonight when your fridge can think for itself – ordering and preparing your meals based on what it knows about you, your mood and your health, it can even come up with new recipes! What is more, it will never forget to bake a cake on your birthday.”
4. Plant-based: “It is highly unlikely vegans will become meat eaters, but undoubtedly, we will see more meat eaters become vegans, even after meat has started to be created in labs and insect protein has become more prevalent. We are looking at a plant-based future with more plants, fungi, algae and more.”
5. Genetic modification “Genetic modification will become much easier and practical and the solution to make issues we currently have. This will open the doors to producing foods that are genetically modified to be healthier, tastier, and grown in adverse conditions.”
The LNER 1923 Restaurant will be found at The Cookery School at The Grand in York on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th November 2023 at 7pm. Diners can make reservations for the exclusive event via Eventbrite here. The experience is likely to prove popular so booking early is advised.
Featured Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash.