Uranium Energy Corp Featured at COP28

Uranium Energy Corp (“UEC”) is the fastest growing supplier of uranium, a vital clean energy fuel required to meet net zero emission targets. At the United Nations Climate Change Conference (“COP28”) in Dubai, world leaders gathered to discuss progress made to reach net-zero goals by 2050. In the Green Pavilion, UEC’s CEO, Amir Adnani, spoke to the changing landscape for uranium, essential to meet the growing demand for the safe, 24/7, clean energy that nuclear power provides.

As the largest, diversified North American focused uranium company, advancing the next generation of low-cost, environmentally friendly in-situ recovery (“ISR”) mining uranium projects in the United States and high-grade conventional projects in Canada, UEC is scaling its business to help meet the future nuclear energy needs in the U.S. and around the globe.

UEC’s environmentally friendly approach to uranium extraction through ISR mining allows UEC to have a minimal impact on the environment, and results in a shorter lead time to uranium recovery and reclaim disturbed land. UEC has made decarbonizing our operations a priority and has committed to be net-zero for our ISR production facilities in Texas and Wyoming.

“We have seen a step-change across the globe with an increasing number of countries adopting plans and programs to restart, extend the life of and / or build new nuclear plants in the quest for clean, safe, highly reliable and cost-effective electricity that nuclear power provides. This drive for global clean energy, along with uranium supply and demand fundamentals, has translated into a rebalancing of the uranium market, transforming it from an inventory burdened to a production driven market. Geopolitical situations have further accelerated the transition for Western utilities looking for secure uranium supply in stable jurisdictions,” said Amir Adnani, UEC, CEO.

He continued, “Geopolitical instabilities, progressing trade barriers, and global net-zero goals are shifting the world’s energy outlook. Our commitment to the environment and decarbonization, as well as our safe, stable jurisdictions with two ISR hub and spoke production platforms in South Texas and Wyoming, make us well-positioned as a low risk and low cost supplier of uranium fuel to meet the growing nuclear power demand.”

Featured Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash.

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