HR Experts Reveal How to Protect Your Mental Health at Work

A new survey by Pace HR, a London-based HR consultancy, shows how employees are feeling about their mental health at work.

Pace HR looked at anonymous employee surveys from the past year and found that only 15% of workers are satisfied with their work-life balance.

A spokesperson for Pace HR said: “In an ideal world, work should be a space where we can develop, find purpose, and connect with others. But the reality is that, for many people, it is just a means to earn a living and can be a source of stress.”

There is a big difference between feeling stressed at work and experiencing mental health problems because of work.

Mental health issues can lead to constant tiredness, feeling worried all the time, and burnout, which makes it hard to unwind, chill out, and enjoy your free time.

The survey also showed that less than a third (31%) of employees would talk about their mental health with their manager, and only 11% have someone at work they can speak to.

Pace HR notes that mental health is often ignored in workplaces. “If employees are too scared to approach managers and leaders about their struggles, problems can spiral out of control.”

“Supporting employees’ mental health shouldn’t be left to just the senior team. Generally, people feel more comfortable talking to colleagues at their own level. By encouraging your employees to become well-being champions, people can discuss their issues openly without fear of being judged or that their mental health might hinder their career progression.”

“Equally, it’s important that employees receive training on managing mental health and have access to support if they need it.”

“HR leaders should use internal communication channels to raise awareness about mental health. Sharing blogs with helpful tips, providing fact sheets that debunk myths about mental health, and making sure resources are available to employees are all important. Keeping your team informed about well-being policies and procedures is crucial.”

Employees at all levels should not be ashamed to discuss their mental health with colleagues.

“Hiding your struggles can make you feel worse. When addressing the issue with your manager, it is important to not just focus on how you feel but also how your mental health is affecting your work and productivity.”

“If you can’t put it into words or are nervous about talking to your manager, write it down first and send an email. You can always get a friend or family member to check if it makes sense first.”

“You can choose how much you want to share. You do not have to reveal the name of your condition. But be careful when using words like ‘stress,’ as they can have various meanings and can be easily misinterpreted. If you have consulted a doctor and have a diagnosis, it’s okay to inform your employer that you’re unwell.”

“If you are finding it hard to talk to your manager, it is a good idea to get support from a mediator. You don’t have to handle this by yourself if you don’t want to. Help is available from various sources such as your HR department, a trusted coworker, an occupational health officer, or even someone from ACAS. They will be by your side to support you throughout your journey.”

Featured Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash.

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