Expert Reveals Tips to Keep Your Skin Soft This Winter With CBD

Winter is in full swing and with it unfortunately comes a slew of health issues, including dry skin. Videos on TikTok surrounding #skincare and #dryskin are reaching breakout trends as people try to find the ultimate dry skin savior.

To help combat dry skin, we reached out to Dr. Morgan at Sanctuary Wellness Institute who shares her tips to ensure your skin stays smooth and radiant all winter long through proper care, and her secret weapon: CBD. 

The Winter Skin Conundrum: Why Does It Happen? 

Winter weather often brings low humidity levels, harsh winds, and indoor heating, all of which lead to dry, flaky, and often itchy skin. This is because these conditions can strip the skin of its natural moisture, leaving it parched and vulnerable to irritation. 

There has been new research that suggests CBD, or cannabidiol, derived from both the hemp and marijuana plants, is gaining popularity for its versatile benefits and applications to ensure healthier skin. 

Dr. Morgan says, “CBD possesses anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties and is rich in antioxidants, making it an ideal addition to your winter skincare routine.” CBD works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system in the skin, helping regulate various functions, including hydration and protection from the elements. 

Expert Tips to Keep Your Skin Soft This Winter 

Incorporate CBD On the Skin and Orally 

Incorporating CBD-infused skincare products or topical solutions into your skincare routine is an excellent first step. But also consider incorporating a CBD drink to nourish, protect and hydrate the skin from within.

Choose Quality Products 

Make sure you opt for reputable, full spectrum, organic CBD skincare brands to ensure the products are effective as well as pure and free from contaminants. 

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Combine CBD with a hydrating skincare routine to amplify the moisturizing effects and lock in essential moisture, but Dr. Morgan says don’t forget to also drink plenty of water! (2-3 liters or minimum of half your body weight in oz – DAILY).

Incorporate Targeted Treatments

Customize your approach by using CBD-infused serums or creams for targeted relief in areas prone to dryness. Dr. Morgan recommends trying this method before resorting to steroid creams, but if you are having trouble getting relief, always consult a medical professional. 

Consistency is Key 

Focusing on consistency in your skincare routine is essential. Making changes to your skincare routine such as adding CBD products can be a game-changer, but daily use is essential. Over time these quality products will help you achieve a naturally radiant complexion throughout the winter months.

Consider these expert tips for the ultimate hydration this winter. 

Featured Photo by CRYSTALWEED cannabis on Unsplash.

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