Strategy Equals FOCUS

Strategy Equals Focus: How Business Owners Can Add Meaningful Equity to Their Business

The ability to concentrate efforts on high-impact areas can significantly enhance a company’s value, translating to substantial equity growth.

Reverse Engineering Equity

To effectively enhance equity, business owners should adopt a methodical approach:

  1. Value the Business: Obtain a comprehensive valuation to understand the current standing and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Identify Gaps: Recognize gaps between the current state and desired outcomes.
  3. Fill or Remove Gaps: Implement strategies to address these gaps, whether by enhancing strengths or mitigating weaknesses.

Understanding Equity in Business

Equity in business can be broadly categorized into two types: Brand Equity and Operational Equity. Both play crucial roles in enhancing the overall value of a company.

  • Brand Equity is the value derived from consumer perception, recognition, and trust in a brand. It’s often reflected in the ‘money multiple’ or the valuation multiple at which a business trades. Factors influencing brand equity include customer loyalty, market position, and the strength of brand associations.
  • Operational Equity pertains to the efficiency and effectiveness of a company’s operations. It includes the risk ratio that a potential buyer might consider, assessing how transferable the business is and whether it is viewed as an asset or a liability.

The Formula for Adding Equity:

Brand Equity * Operational Equity = Wedge Equity

The concept of Wedge Equity encapsulates the synergy between brand and operational equity. By enhancing both these facets, business owners can create a ‘wedge’ that drives significant value.

Brand Equity: Enhancing the Money Multiple

To maximize brand equity, focus on the following areas:

  • Customer Acquisition: Develop robust strategies to attract new customers. This can be achieved through:
    • Cold Relationships: Outreach to potential customers who have no prior engagement with your brand.
    • Warm Relationships: Nurturing leads who have shown some level of interest or engagement.
    • Earned Relationships: Building trust through organic methods such as word-of-mouth and customer testimonials.
    • Paid Relations: Investing in advertising and promotions to drive awareness and sales.
  • Retention and Value: Focus on retaining customers and increasing their lifetime value. The 9-Cs of retention include:
    • Consistency: Ensure that customers have a consistent experience every time they interact with your brand. This builds trust and reliability.
    • Customization: Tailor your products, services, and interactions to meet the unique needs and preferences of each customer. Personalization enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.
    • Communication: Maintain open, honest, and regular communication with your customers. Keep them informed, address their concerns promptly, and engage with them through various channels.
    • Care: Show genuine care and concern for your customers’ well-being. Going above and beyond in customer service can create strong emotional bonds.
    • Convenience: Make it easy for customers to do business with you. Simplify processes, remove obstacles, and ensure that your services are accessible and user-friendly.
    • Community: Foster a sense of community among your customers. Create platforms for them to connect with each other and with your brand, building a loyal customer base.
    • Commitment: Demonstrate your commitment to your customers by continuously improving your products and services and showing that you value their business.
    • Credibility: Establish and maintain credibility by delivering on your promises, being transparent, and building a reputation for reliability and integrity.
    • Customer Delight: Aim to exceed customer expectations and create delightful experiences that leave a lasting positive impression. This can lead to word-of-mouth referrals and long-term loyalty.

Diversification of Customer Portfolio: Avoid reliance on a few major customers by diversifying your customer base. This reduces risk and increases stability.

Operational Equity: Reducing the Risk Ratio

Improving operational equity involves streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency. Key areas of focus include:

  • Simple Operating System (OS): Implement a straightforward and efficient operating system that supports seamless business operations. This could be guided by an exit strategy framework, such as:
    • Exit 1: Initial setup and establishment of foundational systems.
    • Exit 2: Scaling operations while maintaining efficiency.
    • Exit 3: Optimizing processes for higher profitability.
    • Exit 4: Preparing for a potential sale or transition.
    • Exit 5: Finalizing the exit strategy and ensuring smooth transition.
  • Profit-led Financial Accountability: Focus on profitability and financial health. This includes regular financial reviews, cost management, and profit optimization.


Strategic focus is the cornerstone of adding meaningful equity to a business. By concentrating efforts on enhancing brand equity through customer acquisition, retention, and diversification, and improving operational equity through streamlined processes and financial accountability, business owners can create substantial value. The synergy between these elements, encapsulated in the concept of Wedge Equity, provides a clear roadmap for achieving significant equity growth. Through methodical analysis and targeted strategies, business owners can navigate the complexities of the market and drive their business towards sustained success and increased value.

Featured Photo by Alex Hudson on Unsplash.

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