Searching for answers about how Google works? This book has them

Jonathan Guy Managing Director of digital marketing agency, Aqueous Digital, has written a handy guide to SEO, and businesses literally can’t afford to ignore it.

ANYBODY that has a website for their business wants to make it easy for potential customers to find them online – Jonathan Guy tells them how.

His debut book, ‘Search Never Sleeps’, is an essential guide to why search engine optimisation (SEO) should be a fundamental part of every enterprise’s marketing activity.

He spent two years working on it, prompted by writing a blog post that was too long to edit.

“This book is for all those people who have ever asked me a question about Google,” he said.

“Together, we ask search engines billions of questions every day and they need to provide the right answer inside half a second. How do they manage that? That’s the reason we do SEO.”

Jonathan set up Aqueous Digital, which provides expert SEO and digital marketing services, together with his wife Emma in 2011.

Shortly afterwards, he formulated his own three rules of Google.

He said: “If you’d told me then that I’d end up writing a book on this subject, I’d have thought you were mad.

“While best practices for SEO can change quickly, and they often do too, those simple rules remain the same. I still remind people now; remember those, and you won’t go far wrong.”

A growing list of awards collected by the fast-growing Cheshire agency is proof that this approach works for businesses of all types and sizes.

In June, Aqueous Digital was crowned ‘Large Family Business of the Year’ at the prestigious Halton Chamber of Commerce Business Awards.

Judges at the European Content Awards were impressed enough to present the firm with a ‘Content Strategy of the Year’ prize in the Spring, while Jonathan was a regional finalist in the ‘Family Business Entrepreneur’ category at last year’s Great British Entrepreneur Awards.

‘Search Never Sleeps’ explains SEO in a straightforward and jargon-free way, debunking common myths and misconceptions and providing easy-to-follow advice that amateurs and specialists alike can put into practice.

Featuring real-life examples, key takeaways, clear case studies, simple diagrams, Jonathan keeps in mind his target audience from the first page.

“Websites are for people,” he added.

“After all, they’re the ones who will spend money on a product or service your company provides.

“I guarantee, after reading this book, you’ll know more at the end than you did at the beginning about why search engines operate in the way they do.”

About the author

Jonathan Guy is an entrepreneur, public speaker and author, specialising in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and digital reputation management.

He has been managing director at multiple award-winning digital marketing agency Aqueous Digital since establishing the company in 2011, and has worked in sales, marketing and advertising for more than 40 years.

He is renowned for writing in plain English, helping people cut through the jargon that surrounds digital marketing.

He lives in Northwich, Cheshire, and in his spare time is a philatelist, a bird-watcher, and a devoted reader.

As a result, his wife thinks he’s a bit of an anorak.

Buy the book

‘Search Never Sleeps’ is available to buy now in paperback from Amazon, priced £16.99.

Order your copy from Amazon here:

Promotional activity

Jonathan Guy is scheduled to speak about ‘Search Never Sleeps’ next month at the following events:

October 3 (from 7.30am) 1stuesday Breakfast Networking, Health and Business Tech Park, Runcorn:—search-never-sleeps_455.html

October 4 (from 11am) The Literary Lunch, Larkspur Lodge, Knutsford:

October 11 (11am-12pm) Online Live LinkedIn Workshop [Free to attend. Everyone welcome]:

To learn more about the backstory for ‘Search Never Sleeps’, watch this pre-recorded interview here:

Featured Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash.

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