Sales shopping online? Here’s how to protect yourself during the January sales

Sales shopping online? Here’s how to protect yourself during the January sales

  • Three quarters of people (74%) have been targeted by scams, with delivery scams being the most common
  • Generation Logistics, awareness campaign for logistics careers, partners with Cyber Security Awareness & Tech Professional, Lisa Ventura MBE, to identify tips on how people can protect themselves from online scams during the January sales

With three in four targeted by scams, (74%)¹, and delivery scams being the most common², it’s crucial for Brits to be aware of how to protect themselves when shopping online during the January sales.

Awareness campaign for logistics careers, Generation Logistics, has partnered with Cyber Security Awareness & Tech Professional, Lisa Ventura MBE, to identify tips on how people can protect themselves from cyber scams.”We are all busy and running around this time of year, so protecting yourself from online scams, including those impersonating reputable services like Amazon and DHL, is crucial,” Comments Lisa Ventura MBE, Founder of Cyber Security Unity.

“It is all too easy to think emails received at this time of year are reputable and to click on the links in them invertedly.”

There are however a few ways you can stay safe when it comes to online scams, including…

1. Be sceptical of unsolicited emails

Be cautious of emails and messages that you didn’t expect, especially those claiming to be from shipping companies. Scammers often use fake email addresses and logos to impersonate legitimate services, which are looking increasingly realistic.

2. Check if the senders email address is a legitimate one  

Verify the sender’s email address. Legitimate companies typically use official domain names for their email addresses. Be wary of email addresses that look suspicious or have misspellings.

3. Verify that the email you have received is genuine

If you receive an unexpected email or message regarding a package delivery, contact the company directly using official contact information rather than responding to the message. Look up the official website or contact details independently.

4. Avoid clicking on any suspicious looking links

Do not click on links or download attachments from emails or messages that seem suspicious. Hover over links to preview the destination URL, and make sure it matches the official website of the supposed sender.

5. Check for typing and grammatical errors

Scam emails often contain spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or awkward phrasing. Legitimate companies typically proofread their communications thoroughly.

6. Use 2-factor authentication

Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible, especially for important accounts. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification.

7. Keep your software and antivirus up to date

Regularly update your operating system, antivirus software, and other applications to protect against vulnerabilities that scammers may exploit.

8. Stay informed about the latest online scams

Stay informed about common scams and tactics used by cyber-criminals. Awareness is a powerful tool in avoiding falling victim to scams. Action Fraud publishes regular content about the latest online scams.

9. Trust your instincts

If something feels off or too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts and verify the information independently before taking any action.

10. Secure your personal information, and be cautious about how much you share online

Be cautious about sharing personal information online. Legitimate companies usually don’t request sensitive information through email.

11. Report any suspicious emails

If you receive a suspicious email claiming to be from a reputable company, report it to the company so they can take action. You can also report it via the National Cyber Security Centre’s phishing service by emailing it to [email protected] so they can investigate it.

Bethany Windsor, Programme Director at Generation Logistics, commented: “The festive period is such a busy time for the whole country, from customers completing their sales shopping to logistics employees ensuring that shelves are kept stocked and parcels are delivered. When shopping online, remaining vigilant and aware of potential scams is key, and we strongly urge all people to share and implement our tips on how to protect yourself online.”

For anyone who is wishing to pursue a career within logistics, the sector that keeps the country running, take this quiz to see which role in logistics could be fitting with your future:

Featured Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

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