Photography Expert Reveals 7 Poses That Are Aging You in Pictures & What to Do Instead

We’re all guilty of throwing our hand on our hips or doing the occasional duck face pose, but did you know these poses are actually aging you? 

We reached out to expert photographer and founder of Carters Creative, Rachael Carter, who knows how to make her clients look and feel their best and has shared all the poses you should avoid and how to pose instead to help capture the most youthful and best feeling YOU.

1. The Double Chin Poses

The double chin pose involves looking down or tilting the head in a way that creates a double chin. This pose can add the appearance of extra weight and sagging skin. 

“Try lifting your chin slightly and elongating your neck, then angle your face towards the camera slightly to avoid a direct downward gaze to avoid that double chin,” says Rachael.

2. The Hand-on-Hip Pose

Standing with one hand on the hip, often with the hip pushed out, is a pose every millennial is guilty of, but luckily, there are other options. 

“A better option is to stand with arms gently at your sides or softly bent at the elbows,” says Carter. “This will appear more relaxed and be more flattering.” 

3. The Duck Face

Who is guilty of puckering their lips for that camera? Those days are over. Instead, smile gently or keep your lips relaxed. This will create a natural expression that highlights your features instead of exaggerating them. 

4. The Peace Sign Pose

A given pose that will age you is the peace sign pose. Carter promises, “You don’t need to use this if you don’t know what to do with your hands. Just keep your hands relaxed or subtly involved in the pose and allow facial expressions to be the focal point instead.” 

5. The Slouching Pose

Many people unknowingly hunch their shoulders and curve their backs. Unfortunately, this creates a tired, defeated look and emphasizes any midsection bulges. 

“Instead, stand or sit straight with your shoulders back and engage your core muscles for a more confident and youthful posture,” suggests Rachael.

6. The Closed-Off Pose

Closed-off poses involve crossing arms or holding objects in front of your body. These poses can make you appear less approachable and more rigid. 

Carter says, “Instead, keep your arms at your sides or engage with a more natural hand placement that is more open and welcoming.” 

7. The Forced Smile

Oh, the dreaded forced, overly wide, or tense smile. It ages you by highlighting wrinkles around the mouth and eyes. Instead, relax your face and smile naturally by thinking of a happy memory to create a genuine, soft smile.

Rather than tensing up or striking a pose, just be yourself! It is the best way to capture memories after all. 

Featured Photo by Ishon Studios on Unsplash.

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