It’s EURO 2024 mania but almost 6 in 10 Brits don’t use sunscreen every time they’re at a live football match or screening in a pub garden

  • As Britain gears up for EURO 2024 football mania this summer, new research from Kopparberg reveals that 59% of Brits don’t apply sunscreen every time they attend live football matches or screenings in pub gardens
  • The study also highlighted that 29% of Brits believe official football venues fail to provide adequate shaded areas and guidance on sun protection measures for spectators
  • In response, Kopparberg is offering free UPF40 football jerseys, sunscreen, and UV stickers at select UK pubs and across their social media platforms to promote sun-safe habits as part of its ‘Drink Responsibly This Summer’ campaign in partnership with the Melanoma Fund charity

As this year’s UEFA European Football Championship approaches, the UK is already gripped by football frenzy. Despite the often overcast weather in Britain, new research reveals an opportunity to encourage better sun safety habits among UK football fans — with nearly a third of Brits (29%) admitting to experiencing sunburn while either actively participating in or spectating football matches, either at live events or watching screenings in pub gardens.

The research, commissioned by the UK’s leading fruit cider brand* Kopparberg, has also revealed a concerning pattern, with nearly 6 out of 10 (59%) Brits saying that they do not apply sunscreen every single time they attend a live football match or visit a pub garden to watch the game, with over a quarter of Brits (26%) admitting to not wearing sunscreen altogether on such occasions.

In response to the findings, Kopparberg has launched football jerseys with a built-in UV protection factor (UPF) of 40 and a range of SPF products to help Brits responsibly embrace those long-awaited, sun-filled days. The range includes UV stickers that change colour to indicate when it’s time to reapply sunscreen, along with SPF50 sunscreen sachets, which will be free at select pubs across the UK from June 10th.

The launch coincides with Kopparberg’s summer-long Drink Responsibly This Summer campaign. In partnership with the UK charity Melanoma Fund, it aims to promote sun-safe lifestyles among Brits while raising awareness about the charity’s important work.

According to the study, which polled 2,000 people, football is perceived as one of the top five sports posing a significant risk of sun damage or sunburn for live spectators. Nearly a quarter (23%) of British people identified football as a concern in this regard, trailing closely behind other summer sports like cricket (48%), tennis (46%), and golf (39%), all of which will also be featured at the Olympics this year.

The study also shed light on the perception that adequate sun protection measures are lacking within the professional football realm, with nearly a third (30%) of Brits believing that professional footballers themselves do not take sufficient precautions to shield themselves from sun exposure while playing.

Nancy Dales, Brand Manager at Kopparberg, said: Kopparberg and summer are a perfect match. So, with sunnier days approaching, raising awareness about sun protection is important. We were surprised to learn that almost 6 out of 10 Brits neglect applying sunscreen every time they’re at a live football match or screening in a pub garden, which will be huge this summer with the EUROs. That’s why we’ve introduced our UPF40 football jerseys and a range of SPF products as part of our ‘Drink Responsibly This Summer’ campaign. This ensures that people can stay protected and safe whilst still making the most of their summer.”

A similar proportion of respondents (29%) believed that official venues for professional football matches fail to provide adequate shaded areas and guidance on sun protection measures for spectators. These findings suggest a need for increased awareness and implementation of sun safety practices among the general public and within the professional football industry and its facilities.

Michelle Baker, CEO of the Melanoma Fund, added: “Nearly a third of Brits believe that professional football venues lack adequate shaded areas and guidance on sun protection for spectators, indicating a significant area for improvement. This underscores the need for football to become a more ‘sun-safe’ sport.”

Michelle Baker continues: “Sunburn doubles the risk of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, which is largely preventable by practising proper sun safety like seeking shade, wearing protective clothing, and applying SPF30+ sunscreen. This is precisely why our partnership with Kopparberg is so important, highlighting these issues and encouraging drinkers to adopt sun-safe habits this summer.”

With their UPF40 football jerseys, UV stickers, SPF50 sunscreen, and Drink Responsibly This Summer campaign, Kopparberg is on a mission to help people enjoy those sunny summer days the smart way, all the while keeping their skin safe from harmful UV rays.

Rosie Muggeridge, Hastings United FC, commented: “With summer finally here and the EUROs underway, raising awareness of sun protection is important. As a football player and a Sunguard ambassador for the Melanoma Fund, I’m thrilled to be involved with Kopparberg’s sun-safety campaign this summer. With more than half of Brits sometimes skipping sunscreen when watching our favourite sport, it’s essential to highlight the need for proper sun safety measures. As part of this, I’m supporting Kopperberg’s ‘Drink Responsibly This Summer’ campaign, which is offering free UPF40 football jerseys and a range of SPF products to fans — ensuring that people can stay protected and safe whilst still making the most of their summer.”

The football jerseys will be distributed at IF Up North in Leeds, Vodka Wodka in Glasgow, and The Heathcote & Star in London amongst other select venues, with the remainder of the product range available across various UK pubs starting in early June.

The locations, detailed here, offer visitors the opportunity to directly experience protection against harmful UV rays while soaking up the summer sun over a refreshing Kopparberg in the pub garden.

Visit the page here for more tips on sun protection, curated by the Melanoma Fund as part of their Sunguarding Outdoors initiative, in support of Kopparberg’s Drink Responsibly This Summer campaign.

Source: Circan Data, Market Advantage, value sales, 52wks to 20.04.24

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