How Shevani Wilson Grew from Adversity and Built a Thriving Business

When Shevani Wilson took over Motor Marketing in April 2019, she was not just stepping into a leadership role; she was embarking on a journey through profound personal loss.

Following the sudden passing of her husband Ewan, Shevani faced the challenge of managing her grief, raising her daughter and assuming full control of their business. Despite the adversity, she channelled a lot of energy into transforming Motor Marketing, guiding it to new heights of success and providing a base to allow young professionals to flourish.

Shevani’s background in the automotive industry, with roles at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars and extensive experience managing Contact Centres for BMW across South Africa and the United Kingdom, provided a strong foundation for her leadership.

However, it was her resilience and determination in the face of personal tragedy that truly defined her journey. “Losing Ewan was devastating,” Shevani recalled. “But I knew I had to carry on for our daughter and the business we built together.”

Within the first year of taking over, Shevani doubled the company’s profits, a testament to her financial acumen and strategic vision. Over the next four years, she steered Motor Marketing Ltd. to a 180% increase in revenue, underscoring her ability to drive sustained growth even under challenging circumstances.

Central to Shevani’s success has been her passion about and commitment to her team. Since 2019, she has doubled the staff, with several apprentices joining the team. Shevani invests a lot of time and energy into fostering new talent, providing hands-on experience and growth opportunities for young professionals. She said: “The majority of our apprentices have either stayed on and worked their way up the company or have gone into careers in automotive, so it’s clear to me how Motor Marketing has been a springboard for their careers in the industry.”  

Shevani’s leadership style is characterised by empowerment and transparency. By delegating control to team leaders and fostering a sense of ownership, she has cultivated a proactive and engaged workforce. “Shevani’s support is unparalleled,” said Kirstin Campbell, Contact Centre Manager at Motor Marketing. “I’ve never felt as valued in my career as I do now.”

Moving the business to a new office in North Harbour was a strategic decision that reflected Shevani’s vision for operational expansion. This move not only provided a conducive environment for growth but also symbolised a new chapter for the company, one built on resilience and forward-thinking.

Beyond her professional achievements and experiencing extreme adversity in the last few years, Shevani has balanced her role as a business leader with her role of a mother. She actively involves her daughter in understanding the business, instilling an entrepreneurial spirit and demonstrating that success can be achieved alongside a fulfilling family life. “Discussing future aspirations with my daughter has been a source of inspiration for both of us,” Shevani said. “I recently asked my daughter what she wanted to do for a living when she grows up. Her response was ‘how many businesses am I allowed to own?’ Seeing her ambition grow motivates me every day.”

Team members like Lisa Corney and Kiran Gray both admire Shevani’s strength and resilience. Lisa said: “She’s a very strong woman. The fact she comes into work every day, holding her head up high, is truly inspiring.” Kiran added: “Her resilience and bravery are commendable. She’s smart, tough, and determined to succeed in a male-dominated industry.”

Shevani’s journey through experiencing a deep personal loss to growing and expanding a company is a testament to her ability to turn adversity into opportunity. This has not only transformed Motor Marketing, but has also inspired those around her. By leading with empathy, strength, and strategic foresight, Shevani continues to drive the company toward a prosperous future, all while honouring the legacy of her late husband, Ewan and handing down her resilience and determination to her daughter.

  • Hope McKellar

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