Expert Reveals 6 Kitchen Ingredients to Treat Dry Winter Skin

Even though the holidays are over, winter is still in full swing in most parts of the country. In fact, 48% of Americans say their skin is dry and itchy in the winter. This issue is due to the drop in humidity that comes with cooler temperatures, coupled with your furnace, which dries out the air even more. 

To help combat these effects, Dr. Morgan from Sanctuary Wellness is here to teach us about natural remedies you can find in your very own kitchen that are not only cost-effective but also gentle on your skin and will have it feeling smooth all winter long.

Coconut Oil

Our first remedy is coconut oil. Coconut oil is a natural emollient, which means it fills the gaps in your cells to help create a smooth, soft surface. To use this remedy, apply it to your skin after a shower while it is still damp. Coconut oil is best used at night as it does take time to absorb. 


Avocados have been touted for their skin benefits for a long time, and with good reason. Avocados are rich in vitamins A, D, and E, which nourish and moisturise the skin. Start by mashing up a ripe avocado and apply it directly to the skin, or even mix it with other ingredients like honey for a hydrating mask. 


Next up, honey! Did you know honey is known for its moisturising and antibacterial properties? To use, apply raw honey directly to your skin and let it sit for 15029 minutes, then rinse with warm water and gently pat dry. 


If you grew up in the age of chickenpox, chances are you had an oatmeal bath at some point, and with good reason. Oatmeal can calm irritated skin. To create an oatmeal bath, grind oatmeal into a fine powder and dissolve it in your bathwater, then sit back and let it soothe your irritated skin. 

Olive Oil

Olive oil is an excellent source of antioxidants, which have the ability to repair skin damage and hydrate your dry skin. Apply olive oil directly to the skin, or mix it with sugar for a homemade exfoliating scrub that will leave your skin soft and smooth. 


Yogurt is another excellent tool to reduce itching and irritated skin. To reap these benefits, smooth plain, unsweetened yoghurt to the skin and leave it for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and pat dry. 

How to Use Kitchen Ingredients Safely

With any new product you use on your skin, you should always do a patch test before to ensure your skin will not react. Once deemed safe, most natural remedies can be used 2-3 times a week, but it’s essential to listen to your skin and reduce frequency if irritation occurs. 

Preventative Measures for Dry Skin

The best way to combat dry skin is to prevent it. Some of the best ways to avoid dry skin in the first place include: 

  • Moisturising directly after showering, 
  • Hydrating and eating a diet rich in Omega-3s and antioxidants, 
  • Utilise humidifiers throughout the winter 
  • Avoiding hot showers. 

These preventative measures and remedies are excellent ways to gain and keep your soft skin. However, if you are still struggling with dry, itchy skin, it could be a more serious issue, so be sure to contact a healthcare professional. 

Featured Photo by Gil Ndjouwou on Unsplash.

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