Exclusive Interview with Aquayemi-Claude Akinsanya: Navigating Sustainability, Climate Change, Fashion, and the Balance of Modern Technology

Aquayemi-Claude Akinsanya stands as a visionary leader, spearheading initiatives in sustainable fashion and social justice. As the CEO and Founder of ‘Garnetts Clothing Brand & Range and The Claudes SEN Law Campaign,’ Akinsanya shares insights into navigating sustainability, climate change, fashion, and the importance of human capacity amidst the rise of modern technology.

Sustainability in Fashion:

Akinsanya emphasises the critical need for sustainability in the fashion industry. Aquayemi-Claude has underscores the environmental impact of fast fashion and advocates for conscious consumerism. By prioritising eco-friendly materials, ethical production processes, and transparent supply chains, he aims to redefine fashion as a force for positive change.

Addressing Climate Change:

In the face of climate change, Akinsanya highlights the fashion industry’s role in environmental degradation. He stresses the importance of adopting sustainable practices, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting circular fashion concepts. Through innovation and collaboration, he believes the industry can mitigate its ecological footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

The Claudes SEN Law Campaign:

Akinsanya’s advocacy extends beyond fashion to include social justice initiatives like The Claudes SEN Law Campaign. He discusses the campaign’s mission to advocate for individuals with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring equitable access to Quality / Non commodity education and Quality standards legal protection. Which follows the duty of candour for equal rights to justice. Which is in alignment for Citizens Human Rights. With acknowledgement for individuals who have short falls. In delivery or their duty to be held accountable. In areas of British legislation and legal procedures of Special Educational Needs / Quality Education. Without Business Style academics, which have brought more harm to our British  Education system than Quality Education. In my personal opinion, we are yet to have a quality standard Leadership of Educational mindset with human touch Secretary of State for Education in Britain. It is of utmost importance that we change the waves for People Not Profit. ‘To enable choice with Quality and Respect.’ I’m able to recommend simple guidance tools: I would recommend the following which are Transform Education SDG 4 of 17 United Nations Global Goals and The Claudes SEN Law Campaign. By raising awareness and promoting policy reforms, Aquayemi-Claude aims to create a more inclusive and supportive society.

I’m massively continuing to be concerned by the developments from overseas civil unrest. To the horrific developments of events here in the United Kingdom. I personally believe we could more importantly require for the rights of our Individual Human Rights. To be bold and more stronger having in mind the current climate, National and International Legislation to be adhered to. While also being respectful to British Sovereignty. International relationships with sovereign nations which also includes the valid – loyal, legitimate Commonwealth nations and Citizens for example. It’s time that we have an International end of civil unrest. For an immediate ceasefire. Which I’ve been calling for since Day One. To also acknowledge British Home Affairs being addressed and delivered with accountability. One of the big issues is also, we as the nation of the United Kingdom still to date. Do not have a ‘DEI,’ Diversity  Equity Inclusion Select Committee, Anti Corruption and Money Laundering task force. I also would like to highlight the importance of the Accountability Task Force and Select Committee to be possibly created. We may find that British Sovereignty and Society would be more beneficial from these considerations. Especially in light of the recent British scandals, which have been reported in recent days. ‘It is key we are able to change the narrative for beneficial solutions rather than repeating the shortfall narratives of our past, to be consumed in a profiting  environment of u-turning roundabouts.’ I suggest that we are able to receive legitimate, genuine support and help from care with love. Where necessary rather than help outs. When food banks have a negative impact on society. In the ability to have positive economic growth for Citizens in my personal opinion.

In recent years it has and unfortunately continues to be challenging as my siblings were unlawful Kidnapped to be child abducted since 24th March 2023. I do believe we have the opportunity to have a New Voting system for British Politics to enable democracy for citizens in alignment for British sovereignty.

Which is why I’m passionate for the required change which is urgently required within our society. Especially for individuals who have a short fall to be held more accountable for their unlawful fabrication actions. Society, of our systems especially the justice system is required to be swift with their process for reform in Britain. Too many Citizens are suffering as a result of a system. Which was not made for British Citizens. We call and demand democracy and change of our society in alignment for Citizens within duty of candour and practices of the legislation which are to be respected equally. We have personally faced world leaders who are required to have duty however not have the behaviour to be above the law or not follow to deliver on their duties, which is beyond an individual’s human mindset and wellbeing.

Balancing Human Capacity and Modern Technology:

As technology advances, Akinsanya acknowledges its potential to enhance human capacity but also warns of its pitfalls. He emphasises the importance of maintaining a balance between technological innovation and human well-being. By practising mindful use of technology and fostering digital literacy, he believes individuals can harness its benefits while mitigating its negative impacts.


Aquayemi-Claude Akinsanya’s insights offer a roadmap for navigating the complexities of sustainability, climate change, fashion, and modern technology. Through his leadership in the fashion industry and social justice advocacy, he inspires individuals and organisations to prioritise environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and the well-being of future generations

Featured Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash.

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