Author: Sarah Kerry

University is more than just a stepping stone into professional life; for most students, it’s their first real taste of independence. Suddenly, they’re in the driving seat—deciding when to study, what to eat, how to spend their money. It’s a time of discovery, not just academically but personally. Without the familiar safety nets of school and family, this freedom can feel exhilarating or daunting… depending on the day. Through these ups and downs, students begin to figure out who they are and how they want to tackle the world beyond university. It’s messy, it’s fun, and it’s where a lot…

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The UK is currently facing an acute shortage of skills across various sectors, including technology, banking and medicine. According to the Department for Education’s latest Employer Skills Survey, nearly a third of all job vacancies in the country were due to a skills shortage. This has now become a priority issue for the new Labour government, which is looking to address this through unified training. But, as they start to put policies in place to enable workers to learn, progress and retrain throughout their working lives, innovative solutions are needed to transform traditional learning environments and meet the demands of…

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