A Balanced Guide to Summer Holidays: Keeping the Kids Busy and Sneaking in Some ‘Me Time’ in 2023

Summer holidays are often seen as a dichotomy for parents – the thrill of spending quality time with the children balanced against the need for a little rest and relaxation. The good news? It’s entirely possible to achieve both. Here’s a guide to harmonising a bustling summer for the little ones while also allowing parents to indulge in some much-needed downtime.

1. Embrace Digital Summer Camps:
The digital landscape has changed how we entertain and educate. Many platforms now offer virtual summer camps. These not only keep children engaged in exciting activities like coding, virtual art classes, or storytelling sessions but also provide parents with a few uninterrupted hours.

2. Cultivate a Garden Together:
The ‘grow-your-own’ trend has shown no signs of slowing down. Designate a plot or container where children can sow seeds, watch them grow, and ultimately enjoy the fruits of their labour. This daily activity not only educates them about nature but also provides parents with moments to sit back and sip that cup of tea.

3. Local Activity Groups:
Many local community centres or clubs host summer activities. Whether it’s a drama workshop, a new sport, or a reading club, such group activities give children the chance to make new friends and learn something new while giving parents a well-deserved break.

4. Set Up a DIY Home Cinema:
Pick a day in the week for a movie afternoon. Let the children select films, create tickets, and even prepare snacks. This not only keeps them engaged in the preparation process but also allows parents to enjoy a film or take that time to read a book.

5. Engage in Culinary Experiments:
Allow children to take over the kitchen once a week. Depending on their age, they can either prepare a simple meal or get involved in baking. This teaches them essential life skills, and parents can look forward to a meal they didn’t have to prepare.

6. Outdoor Exploration:
The UK is teeming with nature trails, parks, and beaches. Plan day trips and let the children explore with activity sheets – perhaps a bird-watching list or a scavenger hunt. While they’re busy searching and exploring, parents can enjoy a peaceful moment in nature.

7. Encourage Independent Projects:
Give children a summer project that aligns with their interests, be it crafting, writing a story, or building something. This nurtures their creativity and problem-solving skills and guarantees parents snippets of free time.

8. Rotate Playdates:
Collaborate with other parents in your neighbourhood. Hosting rotational playdates means your child gets to interact and play while you only have to supervise occasionally, freeing up other days for personal relaxation.

9. Establish a Routine:
While summer is a time for relaxation, maintaining a loose routine can help structure the day. Having set times for activities, meals, and relaxation ensures that both children and parents know what to expect and can plan their time accordingly.

10. Remember Self-care:
Lastly, parents must remember that it’s okay to prioritise self-care. It’s beneficial for children to see adults modelling self-care behaviours. Whether it’s a short morning meditation, an evening stroll, or diving into a book, these activities recharge and rejuvenate.

Crafting a summer that offers both fun for children and relaxation for parents is a balancing act, but with a touch of creativity and planning, it’s a feat entirely achievable. Here’s to making the most of Summer 2023!

Featured Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash

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