What Went Wrong with UK Politics? PM Expert Sir Anthony Seldon Reveals All

Having penned over 45 books on British politics, esteemed educator, Sir Anthony Seldon, knows exactly what makes a compelling leader.

In episode six of the Culture de-cooded podcast – staging deep conversation with some of the world’s most ground-breaking leaders – he tells host, Charlie Coode, how recent PMs are holding the UK back.

“They come in. They know nothing. And they’re surrounded by know-nothing advisors who think they can make it all up” says Seldon, explaining how their disdain for their predecessors leaves them blind to the historical facts.

Describing government as “boiling in arrogance”, Seldon believes that politicians must learn to lead by innate values rather than by ego.

“He didn’t really understand the details of trade and single markets and Northern Ireland protocols” he says of Boris Johnson. “He just thought it would suit him to lead”.

It’s this lack of visible principles that’s led to a decline in faith and a “shortness of office” that stops real change in its tracks.

“They’re much more driven by what focus groups are saying than by innate principle”, states Seldon. “But Churchill didn’t have focus groups and neither did Clement Attlee or Lloyd George – three of the great prime ministers of the last century”.

It all stems back to a poor education system, Seldon tells Charlie, explaining how a system that stamps out individuality with meaningless metrics ultimately extinguishes our unique talents – leaving us vulnerable and acting, not in strength, but in fear.

Having revolutionised three of the UK’s most significant schools – Wellington, Epsom and Brighton – Seldon hopes to remedy this widespread malady with strength-based education, recognising and promoting each child’s unique abilities and skills.

By embracing the individual in this way, future leaders will learn to release true potential, no longer compensating for perceived inadequacies by exploiting the vulnerabilities of others. In other words, rather than criticising the party that ruled before, they’ll learn to take more measured, positive action.

Seldon’s full insights, inspired by his own journey of impressive accolades, can be heard in episode six of the Culture de-cooded podcast – “Sir Anthony Seldon, Historian, Political Author and Educator” – available on all major channels.

In addition to creating this wonderful window into the lives and minds of the world’s most innovative people, podcast host, Charlie Coode, has his own SaaS platform – Culture15 – designed to help businesses take measured control of their own cultural story.

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