«At our place, just like at yours»: Adagio unveils a new European advertising campaign

 One year after its previous campaign, Adagio is back on screens, still supported by the Josiane agency. The objectives: continue to increase its notoriety (+8 in assisted notoriety during the previous campaign), make the concept of aparthotels more familiar, which can remain a little vague among consumers, and continue to establish its European leadership in the segment. Indeed, and this is a first for the brand, the device was produced in 3 languages, which demonstrates a strong ambition for development in its key markets: France, the United Kingdom and Germany.

The promise of feeling at home

After “I lived there” in 2023, the campaign capitalizes on the tagline “chez nous comme chez vous” which echoes its brand signature “here for you” and further explains Adagio’s value proposition: whether you are traveling for leisure or on a business trip, everyone can find in its aparthotels a welcoming and warm setting enhanced by numerous services, which make you feel at home.

And to embody it, Adagio has once again called on Marc, the actor from the previous campaign. In the manner of a saga, Adagio continues to focus on a humorous and offbeat tone.

“It was important to capitalize on the communication territory started last year and bringing Marc back in 2024 was immediately obvious!

We know very well how difficult it is to emerge in the world of hotel tourism, so we were delighted to unfold new stories with this incredible character, who also contributes to enriching the brand’s personality.”

Laurent Allias, Founder of Josiane

Immersed in an aparthotel!

In a first 20-second spot mainly intended for TV, Marc shows us his new “home”. With the assurance of a master of the house, he shows his visitors the different spaces: the kitchen, the living room, the shower, the bedroom… Except that at the end of his room tour, we learn that he only “moved in” … the day before, and for only 4 days! And yes, it is an Adagio aparthotel, but even if he only stays there for 4 days, this apartment is so adapted to him that he already feels “at home”.

The film is complemented by 5 digital capsules of 15 seconds, and 7 static visuals in which we can see Marc experimenting with social media trends, such as the business traveller’s morning routine, a coliving room tour, or even a livestream from his fully-equipped kitchen. This allows us to discover in more detail the wide range of services offered at an Adagio aparthotel.

An online / offline media strategy:

As part of an offline media strategy developed in collaboration with the Havas Media agency, the 20-second spot will be broadcast on television in France from 09/16 to 10/13 and supported by 8-second billboards from 09/09 to 10/20.

At the same time, the campaign will be deployed digitally in France, the United Kingdom and Germany on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and YouTube, as part of an online strategy developed in collaboration with the Mo & Jo agency.

 “A year after our previous campaign, as Adagio continues its development in France and internationally, we express in this new campaign, with humour and authenticity, what differentiates the experience offered by Adagio within the booming segment of aparthotels. Thoughtful design, friendly shared spaces, new innovative offers such as coliving, attentive presence of our teams with each person: it is thanks to all this that our customers really feel at home with us! And this is what allows us to strengthen our position today as European leader in aparthotels. »

Virginie Barboux, Senior Vice President Client and Marketing Adagio

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