Almost 40% of Brits confess to judging others’ home décor

Nearly half of Brits admit to judging others on how they decorate their homes, with visitors in the South East along with Londoners ranked as the worst for judging their family and friends’ homes.

A recent survey commissioned by Shutterly Fabulous involving 2,000 Brits found that nearly 40% of Brits have admitted to judging the décor in someone else’s home.
The survey also found that 43% of Brits haven’t been complimented on their own home. Could this be why so many of us are quick to judge the décor in other homes?

Interestingly, the region where homeowners receive the most compliments is London, with 73% of homeowners there stating they’ve been complimented on their homes. Yet, they’re also the judgiest visitors, with over half of residents (53%) admitting to being judgmental of other people’s homes – 14% more than the national average.

The survey asked homeowners across the UK if they’ve ever judged the décor of a home they’ve visited, and many confessed they have: 

  • Northern Ireland – 28%
  • Northerners – 36%
  • East Anglia – 38%
  • Scotland – 38%
  • Yorkshire – 38%
  • Midlands – 39%
  • Wales – 40%
  • Londoners – 53%
  • West Country – 37%
  • South East – 40%

The survey revealed that the kindest homeowners are those in Northern Ireland, with 72% declaring they have never judged someone else’s décor, closely followed by 64% of Northerners who admitted they haven’t either.

However, 46% of Northerners stated that they’ve never been complimented, only slightly beating their neighbours in Yorkshire with 47% stating they’ve never received any compliments. Northern Ireland was found to have an equal split, with 50% of homeowners receiving compliments and 50% not.

Whilst only 38% of Scots reported never receiving a compliment on their interior, the survey revealed that 67% of Scots worry about others’ perceptions if their home seems outdated.

In contrast, residents in East Anglia are the most carefree, with only 13% concerned about what people may think of their home, and only 38% admitting to judging other people’s décor.

Surprisingly, the Midlands has the highest proportion of residents who feel they succumb to peer pressure, with 25% stating that this is the reason they feel compelled to keep up with the latest home style trends.

However, 40% of Brits did state that they feel the pressure to keep up with the latest home style trends mainly because they want to express themselves and embrace change, with this more pronounced in London, where 47% of residents say it’s their top reason.

Sam Tamlyn, Marketing Director and Interior Expert at Shutterly Fabulous said: “Our homes are deeply personal spaces and are expressions of our tastes, values, and social status. The fact that many Brits haven’t received compliments on their homes might explain why they’re quick to judge others. This understanding helps us to create spaces that reflect our style and make us feel comfortable and confident, while also providing insights into regional differences and attitudes.” 

Source: Survey commissioned on 2,000 people, by One Poll on behalf of Shutterly Fabulous 

Featured Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash.

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